Consultation with the School SENDCo
How can I find out how the school will meet the needs of my child?
Although applications are to be made through the local authority, we welcome parents/carers to contact the SENDCo to discuss our offer and how we can support your child and meet their individual needs.
If you would like to book a consultation, please contact the SENDCo K. Fletcher on 01782 616660 or via
An outline of our offer is available to download here Edison Pace Local Offer
The local offer for Stoke-on-Trent is available on this link Stoke Local Offer
The local offer for Staffordshire is available on this link Staffordshire Local Offer
The local offer for Cheshire East is available to download here Cheshire East Local Offer
Support for Parents and Carers
SENDIASS are an independent support service for parents to help with any issues arising with the issuing of or maintaining of EHCPs.
SEND Information, Advice & Support Service (SENDIASS)
Tel: (01782) 234701 or 234847